Friday, April 25, 2008

The challenge

So I've been issued a challenge. I am currently undergoing the challenge of weight loss with a few of my friend. Visit "conquering Goliath" on my friends list to see the information on the challenge. I'm really excited to have some help in this category. it's always encouraging to have friends that are facing the same challenges you are on a regular basis and that can help with suggestions and information. I began my weight loss challenge about 10 months ago and have currently lost 34 pounds (I haven't done my weekly weigh in yet though). I have noticed a change in my size, my energy level, the food I want to eat and my overall appearance. My mom brought something up to me the other day regarding this though. She said I have seemed to be "consumed" by the thought of losing weight. I don't think it's a consumption as much as it is that I was ready for a change in my life and this is the first one I wanted to make. I have been heavy all my life and I am sick of it! I'm taking my life into my own hands and I will lose the weight I want and this is giving me the self esteem boost that I dearly need at this point in my life. Besides, what a better "hobby" than fitness? I have joined multiple fitness websites, and am a subscriber to Fitness magazine. I think this is a great way to fill your days and it not only boosts your self esteem, but it helps your health and your overall outlook on life. It's like the quote from a favorite movie of mine "exercise produces endorphins, endorphins make you happy, happy people just don't kill their husbands."

1 comment:

SheL said...

Wow dude 34 pounds!!! You are awesome =)