Friday, June 27, 2008

It's been awhile

So I realized today how long it's been since I've really blogged anything. So here it goes! Things have been changing at a rapid pace! In the last 6 months, a lot has happened to change the course of my life. My divorce was finalized, I dated a guy that was really bad for me, I've found a guy that is totally awesome for me, I've made a lot of new friends, I've gotten a new job, I've started traveling with work, I've moved back to SLC and am back on my own, My sister got married, my brother left on a mission and I had a birthday. All of these things have changed me in ways that I couldn't even imagine 6 months ago. The most recent events have really made me start thinking. My brother is 19 and going on a mission to Taiwan for 2 years. How awesome is that? At 19 he's getting an opportunity to travel the world and learn a new language and grow in ways that he didn't even know he could. My sister has embarked on a new life of coupledome known as marriage. Although she was with Trevor so long that they practically were already married, I still think the fact that they are united as one now will change things a little bit. It's a great experience and even though I didn't have the best of luck or experiences with my marriage, I wish her all the best in hers. I think she'll be successful.
Now for things with me... They're great for the most part. Once in awhile there will be hard times and rough days, but those are to be expected in any situation. I have found a job that I absolutely love! I work a lot of hours, and that is okay with me. I have an awesome team around me that are great people to work with and great people to know. They will definitely be an asset to me growing in a professional sense. I have already been able to travel with my job! I went to Denver the beginning of this month and it was AWESOME!! We worked really long hours, and when the audit day was over, we went back to the hotel and worked some more, but that's part of working on the road and it gave me something to do, so I have no complaints! Things with Tony are awesome! He's such a sweetheart and I've realized that the one thing missing in so many of my other relationships is that I wasn't challenged to maintain my personality and be who I really was. He will absolutely not let me change for him, and I love that. I am able to keep my own interests, do what I want to do and maintain my individuality while still being a part of the relationship. Last week was Tony's sister's wedding. A LOT of his family came to town and I got to meet ALL of them! It was really fun to be able to be at wedding where I didn't know many people, yet I always had someone to talk to and I didn't feel like I needed to be right by Tony's side the whole time. It's nice to be able to be across the room from someone and still have the comfort of knowing that if I were to glance over at any time, he'd be looking at me or wink at me or do something to show that I'm there with him. It's a great feeling! :)
I guess one could say that this is a great period of learning for me. I'm definitely on an escalated learning curve and that is okay with me. I like it that way. Things are definitely changing in my life, and so far I don't think there's been a negative to the changes. They're all wonderful!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Got Tagged

Rachel tagged me, so here goes . . .
1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People that are tagged write a blog post about their own 8 random things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your post tag 8 people and include their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment on their blog to tell them they've been tagged, and to comment back and read your blog for the whole story.
1. I like to work from home. I know that sounds weird because it's actually LIKING to work, but I feel like when I'm home, the quality of my work is higher and I can concentrate more. I don't have the distractions of the work place and I can sit in my recliner and work away on my laptop. I think the quality of my work goes up and I feel much more productive when I do things at home.
2. If there is a sports game on TV somewhere that I am at, I will be glued to the TV. Sportscenter, highlights, and actual game, you name it - I'm worse than a guy. I have to watch it and I have to know the stats. I can't remember them 10 minutes later, but I have to watch them!
3. Sometimes I still pretend that I'm a little kid playing grown-up when I go to work and travel for business and all that. I know that sounds really weird, but it brings back thenovelty of "going to work." I think too many times when we get older and enter the realm of reality where we have to make a living and support ourselves or families, we lose sight of the novelty of "going to work" like I had when I was younger.
4. I love to swing. I know it sounds weird, but I like to swing late at night and preferably with someone. But if I have to do it alone, I'll do that too!
5. I have always imagined this long passionate kiss in the rain where you both get soaked all the way through but don't want to leave the other person long enough to go inside. It's yet to happen - in fact, I've yet to be kissed in the rain, but maybe one day it will happen.
6. I have a severe obsession with office supplies and kitchen gadgets. Bed Bath and Beyond and Office Depot are my favorite stores/websites ever! I could spend hundreds of dollars in both of those stores and still want to spend more.
7. I dream in spanish
8. I hate feet! I hate when people touch my feet or put their feet on me or near me. I can barely stand to play footsies with people and am VERY selective about those I actually let get that close to my feet. I have been woken up from a dead sleep by someone that has touched my feet!!! it's that bad!

Okay - so now is the part to tag people. Since I don't know who reads my blog (if anyone) then you are tagged! :) It may be more than 8 people, but some of the people that actually check this already have posted this ... so if you do read my blog and you aren't one of my links, message me and I'll add you! I love keeping up with friends! :)

Monday, June 9, 2008

Time to return

I can't believe it's been a whole month since I posted anything here. Life has been crazy that's for sure. I've been working long hours, having busy weeks and just going crazy! I just got back on Friday night from working in Denver for the week. It was definitely interesting and I'm beginning to think I'm really going to like this job. I had a great time in Denver! It was an exceptionally long work week but it was kinda nice to be out of the office for a while.

Besides work, life is going one day at a time. I have found a house that I really like and am trying to purchase it right now. It will need a little bit of fixing up, but I think it's a really good deal, so I'm hoping that I can get everything taken care of to buy the house soon. It will be nice to finally have someone to call home and really make it my own. I have decided that feeling "home" is a very important factor to life. It's one that I missed for a really long time and I'm hoping to find it soon. I realize that part of a home is what you make it, but part of it is who is there, and having the freedom and the ability to make the place your own and make it somewhere that you want to be. This is what I'm looking to find.

So that is the update on my life right now. I don't have much more going on. I'll keep posting as I get new stuff to say or think of something witty to write here! I did hear a really good quote the other day though - it's said in the movie "Kung Fu Panda" but it just kinda hit me "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift, that's why we call it the present." I just really liked this and thought I'd share it.