Friday, March 12, 2010

A new update

Once again, i return to the blogging world. I don't know why, but I have been having a REALLY hard time keeping up with everyone else, as well as myself. But I figured I'd take a moment to express how fortunate I feel in life these days.

A lot has changed in my world lately. Probably the biggest thing is a career move I made the first part of February. I was offered a job with inContact. I am a Client Support Representative (meaning I manage accounts of about 15 companies) for a call center software reseller. This has been a blessing to me as I now am feeling comfortable in my position and my career. I know that I will be here for a long time as it is a company that I am extremely comfortable with and one that will be able to offer me the opportunity that many other companies could not. So not only did I start a new job in February, but Casey did also. He is working for a plastics manufacturing company and they are LOVING him and what he's able to do for them. He is working hard and learning a lot.

As for everything else, My life is pretty consumed by working. Besides that I am just playing with my puppies every day, going to the park (usually to watch Casey play disc golf), and trying to catch up with all my friends. I will admit, I have struggled a bit with hanging out with friends but mostly that's due to working 60 hour weeks. So there's not a ton to BLOG, but hopefully I can write more blogs if they're shorter! :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Updates Anyone??

Alrighty - so I am horrible at this blogging thing. Apparently if it's not interactive, then I can't bring myself to do it on a regular basis - but I'm willing to try one more time. A lot has changed. And there is more changing everyday. I swear I am on the learning curve of life right now. So since I have posted last (which was 8 months ago) I have moved, gotten 2 new puppies, changed jobs (a few times) and have a new and recharged outlook on life!

So the puppies -
Aren't they adoreable?? Their names are jake and maggie and they are Siberian Huskies. They are litter mates and a TON of fun. They're about 8 months old right now and play all the time. They are definitely my babies! :)
As for work - I work at the Melting Pot and at CMIT Solutions. So that keeps me pretty busy. Between work, the puppies and trying to have a social life, things are going pretty well in my life right now. I've been doing some pretty fun, amazing and interesting things! :) I will try to start updating my blog like I update my facebook and myspace pages! :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

wow... it's been awhile.

OKay - so for those of you who have stopped checking my blog because it's been over 5 months since i've posted anything... Here's the update!! :) I'm still alive!!! I work A LOT. December was a really hard month for me. Everything from relationship troubles, to work troubles to life troubles in general happened. So relationship... Yes, I'm still seeing Tony. We are kinda sorta taking a break, but it's more like dating without the title for now. We just felt that we needed to slow things down and work on ourselves and getting to know each other better. So we're working on that. Then there's the issue of career... I quit my job. I started working at Madeline's Steakhouse the first part of December and loved it so much that I quit my day job to be a full time server (there were other political issues, but I'll leave those out). I absolutely LOVE working at Madelines. I get to talk all day, run around, hang out with friends and meet tons of people. So far... it's working out really well for me. So the rest of life's hardships in December is just knowing that it is the holidays and they've been rough the past couple of years, so I'm just waiting for them to be something I look forward to. Hopefully next year will be!! So I realize this update is super short, but there's just not a whole lot going on with me. I will try to write more when I get the chance.